How to prevent Mould and Condensation

Welcome to your go-to resource for preventing mould in your flat. Discover essential tips and strategies to maintain a clean, healthy living space. Bid farewell to damp corners and musty odours as we delve into the essentials:

Dry wet areas immediately

Mould can’t grow without moisture, so tackle wet areas right away. Do not leave wet items lying around the house, and make sure to dry the floor and walls after a shower.

Empty Washing Machine

Do not leave wet clothes in the washing machine, where mould can spread quickly. Hang them to dry in areas with good air circulation.


Prevent moisture with proper ventilation

It may be that your routine domestic activities are encouraging the growth of mould in your home. Make sure an activity as simple as cooking dinner, taking a shower, or doing a load of laundry doesn’t invite mould by providing proper ventilation in your bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and any other high-moisture area.

Your home may be holding moisture inside, so open a window when cooking or washing dishes or showering or run an extractor fan.


Improve air flow in your home

As temperatures drop, the air is able to hold less moisture. Without good air flow in your home, that excess moisture may appear on your walls, windows and floors.

To increase circulation, open doors between rooms, move furniture away from walls, and open doors to closets that may be colder than the rooms they’re in. Let fresh air in to reduce moisture and keep mould at bay.

As you apply these easy tips, your flat will stay fresh and mould-free. Stay proactive, and enjoy a clean, healthy living space for the long haul!

If you would like to find out more regarding dealing with Mould and Condensation, or are interested in finding a new student accommodation provider, please get in touch with Bosworth Properties✌️