Bosworth Doubles Tree Planting Investment – 200 Trees🌲

Bosworth Doubles Tree Planting Investment – 200 Trees🌲

This time last year, Bosworth Properties started a new green initiative of planting 1 tree per tenant that lives with us. So in Autumn 2022, an initial investment of planting 100 Mangrove trees was commissioned in Madagascar, in collaboration with Earthly. You can read more about this here. Now a year and a fresh set of tenants later, we have increased our investment in Earthly to fund the planting of another 100 Mangrove trees, one for each of our tenants living with us during the 2023-24 academic year. As well as providing benefits of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, the trees provide jobs for local people, help prevent storms, filter natural water sources are also favoured by native bird species. Natural regeneration also means that the trees' mortality is nullified…
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Bosworth donates 50KG of clothing to Animal Charity ‘PDSA’👕🐶

Bosworth donates 50KG of clothing to Animal Charity ‘PDSA’👕🐶

Blog, Community
Bosworth Properties and our tenants have been working together to gather second hand clothing and soft furnishings, in order to donate them to animal charity 'People's Dispensary for Sick Animals' (PDSA), to help them raise funds for their important work. Bosworth Properties team members Katie and George with the clothing donations. With many of our tenants moving out at the end of June, we know how inconviennient it can be having to take multiple suitcases of clothes back home. So we started this scheme to encourage both our tenants and staff members to have a search through their wardrobes and donate their unwanted goods. In one week we managed to reach our goal of collecting together 50KG of clothing!🤩 We are hugely thank you to everyone who made a donation.…
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Bosworth Team Joins Samaritan’s Xmas Shoebox Appeal🎄

Bosworth Team Joins Samaritan’s Xmas Shoebox Appeal🎄

[caption id="attachment_4067" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Ross, Rob and George (left to right) with their completed gift boxes[/caption] The Bosworth Properties team have been getting into the festive spirit by supporting Samaritan’s Purse UK's 'Operation Christmas Child' initiative. Samaritan’s Purse UK is an international relief and development organisation that works to provide aid for communities in need (in regions including Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia) across the world. Their 'Operation Christmas Child' project arranges for thousands of businesses and schools to donate shoe boxes filled with presents to be gifted to children on Christmas morning. Take a look at the great work Operation Christmas Child undertake here👇     Working as a team, the Bosworth Properties staff put together 4 shoeboxes of gifts that have now been sent for delivery,…
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1 Tree Planted Per Tenant – Bosworth Properties Green Pledge🌳

1 Tree Planted Per Tenant – Bosworth Properties Green Pledge🌳

To support worldwide efforts in reducing carbon emissions, Bosworth Properties have started a new project planting trees in order to help reduce our carbon footprint. In collaboration with Earthly, Bosworth Properties have commissioned the planting of 100 Mangrove trees in Madagascar. The number was chosen as an initial commitment as this is roughly how many tenants Bosworth accommodates across their various student accommodation buildings in Leicester - so 1 tree for each tenant!🌳 [caption id="attachment_3989" align="aligncenter" width="488"] Mangrove forests are also favoured by native bird species, replanting is expected to bring back the once abundant bird diversity[/caption] Currently in Madagascar, forest restoration is a critical issue. With approximately 75% of its species not being found anywhere else in the world It is of huge importance to protect what is left…
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8 Reasons Why You Should Rent With Bosworth Properties🤔

8 Reasons Why You Should Rent With Bosworth Properties🤔

We understand that choosing your accommodation is a huge decision and that there is many factors to consider. Here are a few reasons why we think our range of accommodation and approach to managing our tenants will definitely tick all of the boxes for you:     Summary All Inclusive💰🤑 Huge Range Of Rooms At Various Prices Accommodation Across Leicester City Centre 20+ Years Experience in Student Accommodation Available to Professionals (Non-Students) too! We're a Family Run Business 👪 We've got the Tech 📺📡 Our Friendly Team of Tradesmen👷🔨   1. All Inclusive💰🤑 Nearly all of our accommodation options are all bills included within the costs listed! When reserving a property we ask that you pay a £100 advance deposit payment in order to guarantee your booking, this is then…
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Bosworth Properties Supports Local Charity Rugby Tournament🏉

Bosworth Properties Supports Local Charity Rugby Tournament🏉

Blog, Community
The Bosworth Properties team gave their support to a local charity 7s rugby tournament this past weekend, by becoming the lead sponsor of one of the competing teams. Hosted at Leicester Forest East Rugby Football Club, the 'Forest Se7ens' was the held for the first time on 24th July (after unfortunately having to postpone last year). The tournament was fiercely contested by 8 teams over the course of the day, featuring both a group and knock out phases. As well as the tournament being hosted at Bosworth Properties Managing Director Robert's boyhood rugby club, Leicester Forest East RFC, the 'Forest Exiles' team was set up by regular company tradesmen, Steven Thraves, who was heavily involved in the construction of The Mill Apartments in 2020/21, and many other BP building projects.…
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