Bosworth Repurpose Discarded Appliances for Mind UK

The Bosworth Properties team have raised £140 for the mental health support charity ‘Mind’ through upcycling discarded kitchen appliances.

As many of our tenancies end around summer, we often find that some tenants will leave behind their kitchen appliances, such as Microwaves, Kettles, Toasters & Coffee Machines, when moving out of their flat. Normally these appliances will need to be discarded, which can lead to fine working electrical goods being thrown away. We thought this seemed like a waste, as when new tenants move in they often need a set of kitchen appliances.

To help solve both of these issues, the Bosworth team has been collecting discarded kitchen appliances, upcycling them through cleaning and repairs, and making them available for purchase to our new tenants for a fraction of the cost of a brand new appliance, with 100% of the money raised being donated to Mind.

The main item we found ourselves upcycling was Microwaves. A new microwave usually costs around £50, however we sold our refurbished microwaves for £20 each. This was great news for our new tenants getting a great deal, and it has given a new lease of life to each appliance we fixed up.

Why have we done this?

  1. Reduce waste – Each year we have to discard lots of furniture and building materials whilst maintaining our properties, we want to ensure we are doing as much as possible in order to re-use goods where possible and being conscious of our environmental footprint ♻️
  2. Continue supporting community projects – As a business, it is our goal to not only provide excellent accommodation and service to our tenants, but to also to be a active member of our local community and support charitable initiatives🤜🤛
  3. Help our new tenants save a few quid – We know that it can be expensive acquiring appliances for a brand new apartment, so having the option to purchase discounted electrical goods can help our new tenants settle into their new flat without blowing their budget💸

Who are ‘Mind’?

For 70 years, Mind have provided advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problems  as well as campaigning to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

Find out more about the fantastic work that they do in the video below or using this link: