Bosworth Repurpose Discarded Appliances for Mind UK

Bosworth Repurpose Discarded Appliances for Mind UK

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The Bosworth Properties team have raised £140 for the mental health support charity 'Mind' through upcycling discarded kitchen appliances. As many of our tenancies end around summer, we often find that some tenants will leave behind their kitchen appliances, such as Microwaves, Kettles, Toasters & Coffee Machines, when moving out of their flat. Normally these appliances will need to be discarded, which can lead to fine working electrical goods being thrown away. We thought this seemed like a waste, as when new tenants move in they often need a set of kitchen appliances. To help solve both of these issues, the Bosworth team has been collecting discarded kitchen appliances, upcycling them through cleaning and repairs, and making them available for purchase to our new tenants for a fraction of the…
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Bosworth donates 50KG of clothing to Animal Charity ‘PDSA’👕🐶

Bosworth donates 50KG of clothing to Animal Charity ‘PDSA’👕🐶

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Bosworth Properties and our tenants have been working together to gather second hand clothing and soft furnishings, in order to donate them to animal charity 'People's Dispensary for Sick Animals' (PDSA), to help them raise funds for their important work. Bosworth Properties team members Katie and George with the clothing donations. With many of our tenants moving out at the end of June, we know how inconviennient it can be having to take multiple suitcases of clothes back home. So we started this scheme to encourage both our tenants and staff members to have a search through their wardrobes and donate their unwanted goods. In one week we managed to reach our goal of collecting together 50KG of clothing!🤩 We are hugely thank you to everyone who made a donation.…
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Bosworth Properties Supports Local Charity Rugby Tournament🏉

Bosworth Properties Supports Local Charity Rugby Tournament🏉

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The Bosworth Properties team gave their support to a local charity 7s rugby tournament this past weekend, by becoming the lead sponsor of one of the competing teams. Hosted at Leicester Forest East Rugby Football Club, the 'Forest Se7ens' was the held for the first time on 24th July (after unfortunately having to postpone last year). The tournament was fiercely contested by 8 teams over the course of the day, featuring both a group and knock out phases. As well as the tournament being hosted at Bosworth Properties Managing Director Robert's boyhood rugby club, Leicester Forest East RFC, the 'Forest Exiles' team was set up by regular company tradesmen, Steven Thraves, who was heavily involved in the construction of The Mill Apartments in 2020/21, and many other BP building projects.…
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